Things I Love Tuesday

Hiya sweet peas,

I'm not sure if this is going to be a regular thing but I wanted to share some things I've been enjoying on the internet this week.

31 Insanely Clever Remodelling Tips - Vacuum baseboards are a thing?! Where have I been?

This easy foam modelling tutorial. Next time I have a takeaway I might wash out the container and have a go at this.

Gift ideas for poor creative souls. I love this, especially the first design.

If these rooms were all in one house, it'd be the coolest house in the world. Now I want a swimming pool cinema. 

Maybe it's the clothes by Dances With Fat. Ragen brings up a good point - when we look good we credit it to the clothes, but when we feel we look 'bad' we blame it on our bodies. Something to think about!

Thanks for reading!
Leah xoxo

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